

Welcome from the Chair of the Local Academy Council

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to welcome you to King’s Lander Primary Academy and introduce you to our Local Academy Council. Our mission and aims are central to our work, guiding us as we support and challenge the school to provide the best education for our students. Our vision, developed with input from students, parents, and staff, ensures a curriculum that is both broad and balanced, preparing our children for future success.

Our primary role is to ensure continuous improvement and support the school in achieving its goals. We do this through regular meetings, monitoring progress, and engaging with the school community.

Yours sincerely,
Caron O’Keeffe, Chair of the Local Academy Council

About the Local Academy Council

Our Local Academy Council comprises volunteers from the local and wider community, including the Headteacher and a staff member. We meet regularly to support and challenge the school in providing high-quality education. Our responsibilities include:

  • Setting the school’s aims and policies
  • Monitoring student well-being
  • Improving teaching standards and achievement
  • Managing the school budget
  • Appointing staff
  • Acting as a link between the community and the school
  • Handling complaints
  • Overseeing action plans post-inspection

For detailed bios of our Local Academy Council members and their roles, visit our website.

2024/25 Local Academy Council
  • Principal: Mr. Jeff Taylor
  • Chair: Caron O’Keeffe, Link for attendance and safeguarding
  • Vice-Chair: Mr. Paul Davies
  • Clerk to the Local Academy Council: Mr. Steve Travis
Local Academy Council Members
  • Mrs. Caroline Gough: Staff representative
  • Mrs. Yvonne Dineley: Associate Member, non-voting observer, facilitator of Equality & Diversity Working Group
  • Mrs. Maria Herrera: Co-opted, member of Inclusion & Safeguarding Committee
  • Ms. Sharon McCarthy: Parent representative, member of Inclusion & Safeguarding Committee
  • Mr. Chris Prescott: Co-opted, Lead for Pupil Premium
  • Mr. Michael Sheerin: Associate Member, non-voting observer
  • Mr. Chris Smith: Parent representative, Link for SEND
Former Local Academy Council Members

For a list of former members and their service periods, please contact the school office.

Contact the Local Academy Council

To contact the Chair of the Local Academy Council or any member, please visit the school office or call 0151 922 5760.

Governance Documents

For our Code of Conduct, Register of Interests, and Record of Attendance, please refer to the policies sections on our website. We also have a secure area for Local Academy Council members, accessible through a login page.

For more information about our Local Academy Council members and their roles, please contact the school office.